12° Exhibition and congress for pharmaceutical, biotechnological and veterinary science and technology


N° Stand 6084b


N° Stand 6084b

Contact data

Alsina 249, torre 3, 3°A
+5411 4707 0239
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Companies that represent:
  • Latino America Consultores
Business sector:


Founded in Argentina
During the year 2023
Pharma.ia is dedicated to the manufacturing, development and marketing of advanced health products. We use advanced algorithms and pioneering techniques to offer customized solutions that improve efficiency, quality and sustainability in pharmaceutical production. pharma.ia's mission is to weave new technologies into current processes and facilities, forging a future where pharmaceutical manufacturing is smarter, more agile and safer. We collaborate with our partners in the industry, ensuring that our solutions are in tune with market needs and current regulations. The future of medicine is now.
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